Saturday, July 4, 2009


Thanks to Stephanie & Lisa's coaching.  Good grief I struggle with technology, but I do love all the perks of it!  

 I'm full of bratwurst (would have preferred burgers....but) and home made ice cream!  Yum!  

Jeff and I went and saw yet another fireworks show tonight.  If there's fireworks within a few miles of here, we have to go see it.   Guys do love things that explode!  I can never sit in a car watching fireworks w/o thinking of my daughter Lexy's first reaction to it when she was just over a year old.  She was sitting between us and that first boom went off....HIT THE DECK!!! she belly flopped to the floor with her hands over her ears.  Geez....that's 25 years ago!!!  She's 26 next month.  Just doesn't seem like that long ago.  I'll be dead before I'm going to go work on my mini book and not think about it!  

1 comment:

  1. LISA ;) YOU KILL ME!! I LOVE READING YOUR BLOG.. AND YOU only have 3 posts!! heeee super fun!!
    Yep... we kept the trantula for a couple of years (gift to my boys from their uncle).
    anyways.. loved reading about your 4th!! POST PICTS!?? ah.. I know .. I know .. baby steps!
    with a grin,
